Linked In - free extensions for joomla

     We believe that information is a necessary, though not sufficient, input to any decision making process. We believe also that inter-organizational sharing of basic information can improve the decision making process and lead to a more effective deployment of the finite resources. This notion of cooperation via information sharing, or Open Data, shares in the spirit of Open movements such as Open Source, Open Hardware, Open Content, and Open Access.

     Open Data is the idea that certain data should be freely available to everyone to use, especially if it increases public value and improves the quality of life for people. This ideal is now a reality with the rise of the Internet, open-data government initiatives such as and, and international movements such as Publish What You Fund, the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), The Open Data Foundation, and the Open Knowledge Foundation.

   See Also: Open Education Resources (OER) DevelopmentAfghan Information Sharing, US CENTCOM Info Sharing Policy Consultation